14.09.11 freq > 2GHz fixed (overflow freq_diff) 14.09.12 new start-form EXE 14.09.17 change instr management, posix path comp. 14.10.14 error in aplying wb-correction #release as 7.19 14.11.20 rework antenna (IOerror) 15.07.27 new Annex3 15.08.31 old Cmodes out, test: cdf fields corr. length, move pwr input #release as 7.20 15.12.22 repair profile (1st, n-th) 16.05.18 repair dBuV/m in debug 16.05.24 mod. x-km filter, comp. multithread 16.06.09 calc most factors allways (no free space skip) 16.07.12 implement autom. seatemp 16.07.21 add autom. seatemp to interface 16.10.27 Delta_f more exact 17.04.25 new profile, pointX (20% faster, simpler), new 1546 values 17.04.27 combined TOPO/MORPHO/PROFILE 17.04.29 gap (0m hasl) in profiles with even # points corrected 17.05.06 "overflow" with new srtm (GB-F) error solved, profile allways had one "superfluous" point solved 17.05.13 div. "overflow errors" and hcm_error 36/220 corrected #release as 7.21f 17.10.30 corrected C_mode read in input files for .exe corrected autom. sea temp for negative C_mode corrected V_angle_Tx_Rx calc for negative C_mode 17.11.08 cleaned some additional output 17.11.11 corrected info and output for D_sea #released as 7.21 18.04.20 optimized line file access (HNG) #released as 7.21.1 18.04.20 removed "nulls" in inputstring (at exit) corrected error if missing Rx fq on p2p corrected "calculated" Tx/Rx coords (wrong if only fix stations) corrected occasional "floating underrun" errors in line cache #released as 7.21.2 19.04.02 introduced "H" to bandwidth designation #released as 7.21.3 19.11.26 increased line buffer (1200->1400 records) #released as 7.21.4 21.05.12 effectively use input for distance over sea #released as 7.21.5